Thursday, November 12, 2009

This Morning's Adventure

Well, lets just say we've been eating a lot of ice cream and goodies lately, so I decided that I should go for a jog this morning. I have only briefly explored the other side of Chatsworth and thought that this morning would be a good time to start.

After only turning a couple corners I see a white truck start slowing down next to me. So, naturally a slight sense of panic starts creeping into my body. Some people think I'm paranoid about these such things but I just think I'm prepared. I took a womens self-defense class. I can tell you what to do with a pen, high heels and keys in any situation. (Just ask.) Anyway, I digress...It was my brother! He was driving to his next house for work and saw me struggling to catch my breath on the other side of the road.

After talking with him a couple minutes he had to get going so I start my trek again. I didn't really know where I was going, but I always thought wandering was fun. No destination, just running around. Long story short, I got miserably lost. Absolutely turned around. At one point I thought that I had crossed back over Chatsworth all the while running towards where I thought Chatsworth was, but actually running farther away. By this time it has been way longer than I had wanted this run to be, I was beginning to be exhausted, I had forgotten my brace and my knee starting hurting. All I was thinking was,"After I get up the courage to ask someone in this extravagant neighborhood if I could use their phone, how I am going to describe to Luke where I am so he can drive me home?!"

So I turn around and start heading in the opposite direction, find some people working outside a house and in a last attempt I ask them if they could point me towards Chatsworth. The only thing I know out here that can get my home.. They both kind of smile, probably because my face was beat red, I was sweaty, and because it was just up the hill.

This is an exact representation of my trek.

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