Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ecclesiastes 12:1

There is a verse that has been on my mind for a while now. I woke up this morning around 7 going over it and over it in my head. Really trying to wrap my mind around what it is saying.

Ecclesiastes 12:1
Remember your Creator
in the days of your youth,
before the days of trouble come
and the years approach when you will say,
"I find no pleasure in them" - NIV
"Honor and enjoy your Creator while you're still young,
Before the years take their toll and your vigor wanes." - The Message
" Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth,
Before the difficult days come, " - NKJV
"Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator." - NLT

Youth is the time of life between childhood and maturity. It is a time in OUR lives of so much potential. Right now we are not brittle, worn, tired, blind. Right now we are alive. This is time when we can DO. We can GO. But why is it so often a time when we wander?

When studying this I found a commentary that said,

"You that are young flatter yourselves with expectations of great things from it, but believe those that have tried it; it yields no solid satisfaction to a soul; therefore, that you may not be deceived by this vanity, nor too much disturbed by it, remember your Creator, and so guard yourselves against the mischiefs that arise from the vanity of the creature.’’

When we are thinking only about ourselves, our life, our youth, we are forgetting about our creator. And the worst part is that in the end we will come back, but instead of giving him the best part of our life, he is getting the broken, leftovers.
Malachi 1:13 ... "When you bring injured, crippled or diseased animals and offer them as sacrifices, should I accept them from your hands?" says the LORD.
"It is the greatest absurdity and ingratitude imaginable to give the cream and flower of our days to the devil, and reserve the bran, and refuse, and dregs of them for God." - Matthew Henry

1 comment:

Cyndi said...


I love the look of the lovely!