Sunday, October 25, 2009

2 Crickets tonight

We have been home for less than three hours and already Luke has had to catch two. Bleh.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I have no idea what just happened.

So today was not, terrible. Definitely not good. I don't know what happened. I started asking a lot of questions. At first it WAS terrible, but then I started asking the right,..I was going to say person. But I don't think you can call Him that.
Anyways, I don't really know what this is. When I went to reread it and try to find references for the verses(which I didn't find all of them) it really seems like I was having a very straight forward conversation with God. He met me right where I was,.. in my English class.
I hope this is encouraging for someone. It helped me a lot.

In what do I place my value?
Who am I to you?
Does it all really matter? A name, place, status.
What do they even mean?
I once thought of these things as valuable, but now I know that everything else is worthless compared to knowing you. (Phil3:7&8)
Because you are my hope (ps39:7)
You are the rock in which I stand

But who am I that you should care for me? (ps8:4)
My life is but a breath (ps39:11)
Do I store up my treasures here on Earth?-In a name, in a job?
Or is my store house filled in heaven?

Lord, all I know is that I want your peace to guard my heart and mind. (Phil14:7)
I want to know you
I want to experience the mighty power that raised Christ from the dead (phil3:10)
I want to run with purpose in every step (1 Cor9:26)
"For to you I will pray. My voice you shall hear in the morning." Ps5:2&3

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My morning walks/jogs/attempts at fitness

A couple times a week I love to go on morning jogs. I think that you need to get use to this because I often have many things that I come across while "workin' on my fitness" that interest me or are random and amazing. So in order to help you visualize whats going on around me for future posts I took a couple pictures this morning. I have a picture of my favorite tree that i love to pass by once I conquer the hill. Also, a picture of the most amazing view I found. It's beautiful. I told Luke that it is at this point in my walk that I usually start praying and thanking God for the beautiful creation that He has me living in the middle of. Enjoy.

Also,two last things you need to know to be up to speed on this adventures.
1. I will forever be searching for the most amazing door that I came across one day while weaving in and out of the neighborhoods. This is the third time I have searched to no avail.
2. There was an amazing cat that I met one time. His name is Smokey and I long for the day to pet his silver fluff again.
and an optional 3. It would be nice to see the three legged dog again. (I didn't give him a name like I did for Smoky because he was with his owners, so I assumed he already had one.)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

These little things that make up our first year

After talking with a couple people I have decided that I honestly want to continue making posts,..I just didn't want to have to update everyone on everything that has happened. So, maybe eventually you will see honeymoon pictures, read the stories, find out the airport drama,..maybe not. Maybe everyone that is reading this already knows everything that happened. Well, that's good then. (moving on)

One thing that i hope to never forget about our first year is that our apartment has issues. It's lovely, quaint, but
-has a crazy, crooked corner that is between our bedroom and the hall closet. Where most corners are at a 90 degree angle, this one is about a 50 degree
-we are able to break into our apartment in less than 10 seconds
-this morning i was woken up by a homeless man collecting cans in the dumpster next to our window
-the crickets.(or as we call them,"tritchets".)And this is really what i wanted to talk about. They sneak in under our screen and door. There have been times where we come home to find 5 JUST IN THE ENTRANCE WAY. (buuuuuuhhh)Luke hops around on all fours catching them. (its super cute. maybe i can get a video of it sometime.)
As the days and weeks go by they have gotten bolder and more sneaky. Now they come in and sing their little songs when they know that Luke isn't home and that i won't touch them. They jump at Luke (and our neighbor that i have called to get them for me)
Those sneaky tritchets.

P.S. I totally was going to put up an actual picture of the crickets that invade our home everyday, but i started to and then got super creeped out.